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By participating in the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia “Power+ Rewards Program Supply + Install + Earn campaign” (the “Campaign”), the Power+ Partner is agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1. General


  • The Promoter is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia, Pty. Ltd. (ABN 92 133 980 275) of Block E, 391 Park Road, Regents Park NSW 2143 (“Promoter”).
  • The Program and Campaign will be conducted in all Australian States and Territories.
  • By participating in this Campaign, the Power+ Partner accepts these Terms and Conditions and agrees to receive correspondence from the Promoter’s Agent. The Power+ Partner acknowledges that the Promoter may disclose your personal information to the Promoter’s Agent for the purpose of conducting this Campaign.
  • In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms have the following meanings:
    • Eligible Product(s)” means the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia products listed in the Schedule and at Only indoor and outdoor unit combinations, sold as sets, as stated in the Schedule are eligible.
    • Final Claim Date” means 5 pm AEDT on 31 March 2025. This date may be changed by the Promoter in its absolute discretion.
    • Final Redemption Date” means 5 pm AEST on 19 May 2025.
    • Power+ Partner” means accredited installers that stock or sell Eligible Products and have opted to participate in this Program.
    • Supply & Install Period” means the period between 8am AEDT on 1 April 2024 and ends at 5pm AEDT on 31 March 2025 for all Eligible Products.
    • Promoter’s Agent” means Gratifii Australia Pty Ltd:
      • Phone: 1800 229 408
      • Postal Address: Suite 2, Level 1/44a Foveaux St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
    • Reward” means the rewards offered to Power+ Partners for their sale and/or installation (in dollar value) of Eligible Products as specified in the Schedule and redeemed under clause 6.
    • For removal of doubt, AEST or AEDT as specified in the definitions above applies to all entrants regardless of their city or country of residence. Local time zones are not relevant. Any Eligible Products sold or installed outside of the Supply & Install Period are not eligible for a claim or Reward. Any claims received after the Final Claim Date will be invalid. Any redemptions received after the Final Redemption Date will not be fulfilled.


2. Eligibility


  • The Campaign is only open to Australian residents aged 18 years or older who:
    1. are ABN holders;
    2. are accredited installers with an appropriate trade licence to install air-conditioning systems to residential or commercial units;
    3. are Power+ Partners that have registered to participate in this Program or in the Promoter’s previous campaign; and
    4. have sold and installed an Eligible Product to an end user. In the case of Power+ Partners who are contractors, installed an Eligible Product to an end user.
  • The following people are excluded from entering into the campaign:
    1. Anyone that does not meet the criteria in clause 2(a) or that is not a Power+ Partner;
    2. Management, employees, directors and contractors of the Promoter, its related entities and other agencies, firms or companies associated with the Program;
    3. The immediate family of any persons listed in clause (b)(I) and (ii), which means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, sub-contractors of retailers are ineligible to participate in the Campaign.

3. Rewards


  • Power+ Partners are entitled to Rewards on the following terms and conditions:
    1. Rewards are awarded to Power+ Partners based on the Eligible Products sold to and/or installed for an end user. The Rewards available for each Eligible Product are listed in the Schedule and at
    2. Rewards are only awarded to Power+ Partners that follow the steps stipulated by clause 4.
    3. For the avoidance of doubt, only sales and/or installations during the Supply & Install Period are valid. In order to make a claim for a Reward Power+ Partners must, during the Supply & Install Period, sell and/or install the Eligible Product to an end user.
    4. All eligible claims must be submitted by the Final Claim Date.
    5. Rewards must be redeemed during the reward Redemption Payout Periods specified in clause 6.
    6. All Rewards must be redeemed by the Final Redemption Date.
  • Reward values as outlined in the Schedule are for both the sale and installation of an Eligible Product. If a Power+ Partner only installs, but does not sell, an Eligible Product to an end user, they will only be eligible to claim and redeem half of the corresponding value. For example, if a Power+ Partner sells and installs the 2.0kW Split System (Set Model No. SRK20ZSA-W-Set), they will be eligible to claim and redeem $20. However, if the Power+ Partner only installs this model, they will only be eligible to claim and redeem $10.

4. Eligibility of Entrants for Power+ Partner Program


  • In order for Power+ Partners to become entitled to receive a Reward the following must occur:
    1. Power+ Partners must confirm existing memberships on-line or register on-line to the Power+ Partner Program during the Supply & Install Period. This can be done by visiting the website and confirming existing details or completing and submitting the registration form.
    2. Power+ Partners must submit all reasonable information required by the Promoter, including but not limited to, name, address, business name, ABN and trade licence number.
    3. Power+ Partners must then agree to the terms and conditions set out on the website.
    4. Each Power+ Partner can only register once to become a Power+ Partner.
    5. Power+ Partners must then recommend any Eligible Product to their customer/end user.
    6. The customer/end user must purchase and have the Eligible Product installed by the Power+ Partner during the Supply & Install Period. In the case of Power+ Partners who are contractors, the customer/end user must have the Eligible Product installed during the Supply & Install Period.
    7. Power+ Partner may only claim Rewards by registering a sale and/or installation via the on-line claim form in accordance with clause 5 in respect of the Eligible Products purchased (Claim Form).
  • The Claim Form must be fully completed by the Power+ Partner and received by the Promoter prior to the Final Claim Date in order to receive the relevant Reward.
  • The maximum number of Eligible Products that can be claimed on one invoice is eight.
  • By participating in this Campaign, the Power+ Partner agrees to provide:
    1. All details requested by the Promoter, including but not limited to, the Power+ Partner’s first name, surname, contact phone number, postal address, email address;
    2. ABN;
    3. Trade licence number;
    4. Valid outdoor serial number;
    5. Valid indoor serial number for eligible Ducted combinations as set out in the Schedule;
    6. The installation post code; and
    7. Correct bank details for the electronic funds transfer (EFT).
  • The Power+ Partner is responsible for ensuring that their bank account details and email address are complete and accurate, and the Promoter accepts no responsibility or liability for incorrect banking or other details being provided. It is the responsibility of the Power+ Partner to ensure the correct contact and account details are held by the Promoter.
  • The Promoter is not responsible for any payments that have successfully been made into a Power+ Partners incorrect bank account and no additional payments will be made.
  • All communications between a Power+ Partner and the Promoter will be managed through the website and via email unless the Promoter, in its complete discretion decides otherwise.

5. Registering a Claim on-line


  • Visit to register a consumer sale, follow the links to the Claim Form and complete and submit the Claim Form by:
    • Submitting all details as required by the Promoter, including but not limited to, Eligible Product details including model and outdoor unit serial numbers, installation post code, sale date, installation date and upload a copy of the consumer tax invoice.
  • All OUTDOOR SERIAL NUMBERS on all units and INDOOR SERIAL NUMBERS on selected units will be validated against the Promoter’s company records. If the serial number does not match, a further investigation will take place. A Power+ Partner may be required to submit further documentation to validate these serial numbers. i.e. photo of the compliance plate. Accordingly, the Power+ Partner should take a picture of the compliance plate upon installation of the Product. Photographs of the boxes or packaging materials as proof of purchase will not be accepted. A physical image of the unit and the serial number is required.
  • If the serial number has already been claimed by another Power+ Partner, both Power+ Partners claims will be under investigation by the Promoter.
  • All Power+ Partners must retain a copy of the consumer tax invoice for all claims as proof of purchase and/or installation. Failure to produce the proof of purchase and/or installation for all claims when requested may, in the absolute discretion of the Promoter, result in invalidation of ALL of a Power+ Partner’s claims and forfeiture of any right to a Reward. Consumer tax invoices must clearly specify the model and serial number of the Eligible Product.
  • The Promoter may also request the Power+ Partner provide the INDOOR SERIAL NUMBER for validation to ensure that the indoor unit corresponds to the appropriate outdoor unit as listed in the Schedule. In the event that the indoor unit does not correspond to the relevant outdoor unit in the Schedule, the unit combination is not an Eligible Product and therefore the claim will be deemed invalid.
  • Each consumer sale can only be registered once regardless of how many Eligible Products are purchased and/or installed on one consumer tax invoice. Any consumer sales registered more than once will be deemed invalid.
  • All Claim Forms must be received by the Promoter by the end of the Final Claim Date. Claim Forms are deemed to have been received at the time of receipt into the database and not at the time of transmission by the entrant.
  • Once submitted, entrants cannot change, alter or delete their Claim Form.
  • Incomplete and ineligible Claim Forms will be deemed invalid. Claim Forms will also be deemed invalid if they breach these Terms and Conditions as determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion or any other instructions or guidelines notified by the Promoter during the claims process for the Campaign.
  • The Power+ Partner is responsible for all costs associated with entering this Campaign
  • The Promoter may, at any time, request additional information, including but not limited to photographs of the unit, supplier invoices or proof of purchases to verify each claim.
  • The Power+ partner must provide the additional documents by the date specified by the Promoter or the claim will be declined.
  • Any claims or invoices supplied outside of the Supply & Install Period will automatically be declined.

6. Reward Payout Periods


  • For the avoidance of doubt, Rewards may be claimed and redeemed during the respective Claim Periods and Redemption Payout Periods specified in the table below. Any Rewards not claimed on or before the Final Claim Date and not redeemed on or before the Final Redemption Date will be forfeited.
  • The following claim periods and redemption payout periods apply:
    Claim Period  Redemption Payout Period  
    1 Apr – 31 Jul 2024  5 August 2024 – 19 August 2024 
    1 Aug – 31 Oct 2024  4 November 2024 – 18 November 2024 
    1 Nov 2024 – 31 Jan 2025  3 February 2025 -17 February 2025 
    1 Feb – 31 Mar 2025  5 May 2025 -19 May 2025 
  • Power+ Partners can make a claim any time during any Claim Period but before the Final Claim Date, however, Rewards can only be redeemed during the Redemption Payout Periods stipulated above.
  • If a Power+ Partner misses a Redemption Payout Period, their sales and/or installations will roll over to the next payout period and the Power+ Partner can continue to accumulate. The final Redemption Payout Period closes on the Final Redemption Date.
  • The Power+ Partner will receive a notification email inviting them to redeem their Reward on-line during the applicable Redemption Payout Period.
  • Rewards can only be redeemed by way of electronic funds transfer.
  • The Promoter reserves the right to change this Campaign, the Final Claim Date and the Final Redemption Date in its absolute discretion.
  • Power+ Partners can only redeem validated claims in each Redemption Payout Period.
  • The Promoter will have all claims validated before the final Redemption Payout Period. For any claims that require additional information, the Power+ Partner must provide these details before the final Redemption Payout Period begins or the claim will be invalid.

7. Neat Ideas Incentive


  • Within the PowerPlus Program, Power+ Partners will be given the opportunity to access the Neat Ideas Incentive Rewards platform. This is a third party rewards platform that offers all its members access to discounts across selected retailers and services in Australia.
  • Power+ Partners will gain access to the platform once their tenth eligible claim is submitted and approved.
  • All costs associated with any purchases made through the Neat Ideas Incentive Rewards platform are the sole responsibility of the Power+ Partner. For clarity, the Promoter is not associated with or endorsed by the Neat Ideas Incentive Rewards platform and the Promoter is not liable for any product or service offered through the Neat Ideas Incentive Rewards platform.

8. Security


  • At the time of registration, Power+ Partners will be given a login ID and password (“Login Details”) which they can use to access the website and manage their account details. Power+ Partners are solely responsible for the security of their Login Details.
  • The Promoter is entitled to act on any instructions delivered through the on-line portal if the Power+ Partner’s Login Details are correctly entered. This includes where someone purporting to be that Power+ Partner logs in using the Login Details.
  • Power+ Partners must not disclose Login Details to anyone. The Promoter is not responsible for transactions that have taken place without the authority of the Power+ Partner, where the correct Login Details have been used.
  • If a Power+ Partner knows, or suspects that a third party has their Login Details, they should change their password immediately through the on-line portal and contact the Promoter.

9. Promoter’s Rights


  • The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries/claims and entrants (including an entrant’s identity, age and place of residence) and to disqualify any Power+ Partner who submits an entry/claim that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter’s discretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
  • The Promoter reserves the right to remove or add products to the list of Eligible Products and will provide notice to all Power+ Partners via email at least one (1) month prior to the addition of any products or removal of any products from the Campaign.
  • If this Campaign is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, including but not limited to technical difficulties, unauthorised intervention or fraud, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law:
    • To disqualify any entrant; or
    • Subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority, to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Campaign, as appropriate.
  • The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the Campaign and may, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties including but not limited to agents, employees and service providers assisting with this Campaign. Participation in the Campaign is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter will keep the personal information of Power+ Partners for only as long as is necessary to carry out the purpose(s) described above (unless we are required or permitted by law to hold the information for a longer period). The Promoter may, if the Power+ Partner has opted in on the entry form, and, unless otherwise advised, use the information for promotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sending electronic messages or telephoning the entrant in accordance with the Promoter’s privacy policy at: Power+ Partners should direct any request to access, update, correct information or opt out to the Promoter.
  • All entries become the property of the Promoter.
  • The Promoter’s decisions in connection with the Campaign are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from the Reward winnings. Independent financial advice should be sought.
  • Power+ Partners may be required to provide proof of identity, proof of age and proof of residency to verify their entry. Identification considered suitable for verification is at the Promoter’s discretion and retain their delivery invoice to demonstrate their proof of purchase to the Promoter to verify that the relevant reward should be awarded. If any Power+ Partner fails to provide proof of identity and/or proof of purchase by the time and date stipulated by the Promoter, their entry/Reward claim will be deemed invalid at the Promoter’s discretion.
  • By opting into the Campaign and accepting the terms and conditions the Power+ Partner agrees to receive regular marketing communications by email and SMS. You can opt out of these communications by following the unsubscribe instructions in the footer of all emails or replying STOP to SMS communications.

10. No Liability of the Promoter


  • In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the Promoters’ ability to proceed with the Program on the dates and in the manner described in these terms and conditions, including but not limited to state of emergency, pandemic, vandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, the Promoters may in their absolute discretion cancel the Campaign and recommence it from the start on the same conditions, subject to state government legislation.
  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit, exclude or modify the statutory consumer guarantees as provided under the Competition and Consumer Act, as well as any other implied warranties under the ASIC Act or similar consumer protection laws in the States and Territories of Australia (“Non-Excludable Guarantees”).
  • Except for any liability that cannot by law be excluded, including the Non-Excludable Guarantees, the Promoter (including its respective officers, employees and agents) is not responsible for and excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity) whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Campaign, including but not limited to the following:
    1. any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control);
    2. any theft, unauthorised access or third-party interference;
    3. any entry that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter;
    4. any tax liability incurred; or
    5. the use or enjoyment of a Reward.



Product Series SET Model No Indoor Unit Model No Outdoor Unit Model No Capacity Standard Offer Power+ ($AUD) Install only offer
Avanti® series DXK06ZSA-W-Set DXK06ZSA-W DXC06ZSA-W 2.0kW $20.00  $10.00
SRK20ZSA-W-Set SRK20ZSA-W SRC20ZSA-W 2.0kW $20.00  $10.00
DXK09ZSA-W-Set DXK09ZSA-W DXC09ZSA-W 2.5kW $25.00  $12.50
SRK25ZSA-W-Set SRK25ZSA-W SRC25ZSA-W 2.5kW $25.00  $12.50
DXK12ZSA-W-Set DXK12ZSA-W DXC12ZSA-W 3.5kW $35.00  $17.50
SRK35ZSA-W-Set SRK35ZSA-W SRC35ZSA-W 3.5kW $35.00  $17.50
DXK18ZSA-W-Set DXK18ZSA-W DXC18ZSA-W 5.0kW $50.00  $25.00
SRK50ZSA-W-Set SRK50ZSA-W SRC50ZSA-W 5.0kW $50.00  $25.00
Avanti® Cool Only SRK10YSA-W-Set SRK10YSA-W SRC10YSA-W 2.5kW $25.00  $12.50
SRK13YSA-W-Set SRK13YSA-W SRC13YSA-W 3.5kW $35.00  $17.50
SRK18YSA-W-Set SRK18YSA-W SRC18YSA-W 5.0kW $50.00  $25.00
Avanti PLUS® series SRK20ZSXA-W-Set SRK20ZSXA-W SRC20ZSXA-W 2.0kW $20.00  $10.00
SRK25ZSXA-W-Set SRK25ZSXA-W SRC25ZSXA-W 2.5kW $25.00  $12.50
SRK35ZSXA-W-Set SRK35ZSXA-W SRC35ZSXA-W 3.5kW $35.00  $17.50
SRK50ZSXA-W-Set SRK50ZSXA-W SRC50ZSXA-W 5.0kW $50.00  $25.00
SRK60ZSXA-W-Set SRK60ZSXA-W SRC60ZSXA-W 6.0kW $60.00  $30.00
Ciara™ Series DXK05ZTLA-WF-Set DXK05ZTLA-WF DXC05ZTLA-W 1.5kW $15.00  $7.50
DXK07ZTLA-WF-Set DXK07ZTLA-WF DXC07ZTLA-W 2.0kW $20.00  $10.00
DXK09ZTLA-WF-Set DXK09ZTLA-WF DXC09ZTLA-W 2.5kW $25.00  $12.50
DXK12ZTLA-WF-Set DXK12ZTLA-WF DXC12ZTLA-W 3.3kW $33.00  $16.50
DXK18ZTLA-WF-Set DXK18ZTLA-WF DXC18ZTLA-W 5.0kW $50.00  $25.00
DXK21ZTLA-WF-Set DXK21ZTLA-WF DXC21ZTLA-W 6.3kW $63.00  $31.50
DXK24ZTLA-WF-Set DXK24ZTLA-WF DXC24ZTLA-W 7.1kW $71.00  $35.50
Bronte® series DXK21ZRA-W-Set DXK21ZRA-W DXC21ZRA-W 6.3kW $63.00  $31.50
SRK63ZRA-W-Set SRK63ZRA-W SRC63ZRA-W 6.3kW $63.00  $31.50
DXK24ZRA-W-Set DXK24ZRA-W DXC24ZRA-W 7.1kW $71.00  $35.50
SRK71ZRA-W-Set SRK71ZRA-W SRC71ZRA-W 7.1kW $71.00  $35.50
DXK28ZRA-W-Set DXK28ZRA-W DXC28ZRA-W 8.0kW $80.00  $40.00
SRK80ZRA-W-Set SRK80ZRA-W SRC80ZRA-W 8.0kW $80.00  $40.00
DXK33ZRA-W-Set DXK33ZRA-W DXC33ZRA-W 9.5kW $95.00  $47.50
SRK95ZRA-W-Set SRK95ZRA-W SRC95ZRA-W 9.5kW $95.00  $47.50
SRK100AVNAWZR-Set SRK100ZR-W FDCA100VNA-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
SRK100AVSAWZR-Set SRK100ZR-W FDCA100VSA-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
Bronte® Cool Only SRK24YRA-W-Set SRK24YRA-W SRC24YRA-W 7.1kW $71.00  $35.50
FDUA series FDUA100AVNAWVH-Set FDUA100VH FDCA100VNA-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDUA100VNPWVH-Set FDUA100VH FDC100VNP-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDUA100AVNPWVH-Set FDUA100VH FDCA100VNP-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDUA100AVSAWVH-Set FDUA100VH FDCA100VSA-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDUA125AVNXWVH-Set FDUA125VH FDCA125VNX-W 12.5kW $125.00  $62.50
FDUA125AVSXWVH-Set FDUA125VH FDCA125VSX-W 12.5kW $125.00  $62.50
FDUA125VNPWVH-Set FDUA125VH FDC125VNP-W 12.1kW $121.00  $60.50
FDUA125AVNPWVH-Set FDUA125VH FDCA125VNP-W 12.1kW $121.00  $60.50
FDUA140AVNXWVH-Set FDUA140VH FDCA140VNX-W 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
FDUA140AVNXWVH-Set FDUA140VH FDCA140VSX-W 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
FDUA160AVSAVG-Set FDUA160VG FDCA160VSA 16.0kW $160.00  $80.00
FDUA160AVSAWVH-Set FDUA160VH FDCA160VSA-W 16.0kW $160.00  $80.00
FDUA160AVNXWVH-Set FDUA160VH FDCA160VNX-W 16.0kW $160.00  $80.00
FDUA200AVSAVG-Set FDUA200VG FDCA200VSA 20.0kW $200.00  $100.00
FDUA200AVSAWVH-Set FDUA200VH FDCA200VSA-W 20.0kW $200.00  $100.00
FDUA250AVSAWVH-Set FDUA250VH FDCA250VSA-W 23.5kW $235.00  $117.50
FDU Series FDU71AVNXWVH-Set FDU71VH FDCA71VNX-W 7.1kW $71.00  $35.50
FDU100AVNAWVH-Set FDU100VH FDCA100VNA-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDU100VNPWVH-Set FDU100VH FDC100VNP-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDU100AVNPWVH-Set FDU100VH FDCA100VNP-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDU100AVSAWVH-Set FDU100VH FDCA100VSA-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00
FDU125AVNXWVH-Set FDU125VH FDCA125VNX-W 12.5kW $125.00  $62.50
FDU125AVSXWVH-Set FDU125VH FDCA125VSX-W 12.5kW $125.00  $62.50
FDU125VNPWVH-SET FDU125VH FDC125VNP-W 12.1kW $121.00  $60.50
FDU125AVNPWVH-Set FDU125VH FDCA125VNP-W 12.1kW $121.00  $60.50
FDU140AVNXWVH-Set FDU140VH FDCA140VNX-W 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
FDU140AVSXWVH-Set FDU140VH FDCA140VSX-W 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
KX Ducted Systems
KX Series FDC90KXZEN1-W-Set Multiple Combinations FDC90KXZEN1-W 9.0kW $90.00  $45.00
FDC112KXZEN1-W-Set Multiple Combinations FDC112KXZEN1-W 11.2kW $112.00  $56.00
FDC112KXZES1-W-Set Multiple Combinations FDC112KXZES1-W 11.2kW $112.00  $56.00
FDC112KXENG-Set Multiple Combinations FDC112KXEN6 11.2kW $112.00  $56.00
FDC140KXZEN1-W-Set Multiple Combinations FDC140KXZEN1-W 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
FDC140KXZES1-W-Set Multiple Combinations FDC140KXZES1-W 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
FDC140KXEN6-Set Multiple Combinations FDC140KXEN6 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
FDC140KXES6-Set Multiple Combinations FDC140KXES6 14.0kW $140.00  $70.00
FDCA155KXZEN1-W-Set Multiple Combinations FDCA155KXZEN1-W 15.2kW $152.00  $76.00
FDCA155KXZES1-W-Set Multiple Combinations FDCA155KXZES1-W 15.2kW $152.00  $76.00
FDC115KXEN6-Set Multiple Combinations FDC115KXEN6 15.5kW $155.00  $77.50
FDC115KXES6-Set Multiple Combinations FDC115KXES6 15.5kW $155.00  $77.50
FDC224KXZPE1-Set Multiple Combinations FDC224KXZPE1 22.4kW $224.00  $112.00
FDC280KXZPE1-Set Multiple Combinations FDC280KXZPE1 28.0kW $280.00  $140.00
SCM Multi Reverse Cycle Systems
SCM Multi Systems SCM40ZS-W Multi Set Multiple Combinations SCM40ZS-W 4.0kW $40.00  $20.00
SCM45ZS-W Multi Set Multiple Combinations SCM45ZS-W 4.5kW $45.00  $22.50
SCM50ZS-W Multi Set Multiple Combinations SCM50ZS-W 5.0kW $50.00  $25.00
SCM60ZS-W Multi Set Multiple Combinations SCM60ZS-W 6.0kW $60.00  $30.00
SCM71ZS-W Multi Set Multiple Combinations SCM71ZS-W 7.1kW $71.00  $35.50
SCM80ZS-W Multi Set Multiple Combinations SCM80ZS-W 8.0kW $80.00  $40.00
SCM100ZS-W Multi Set Multiple Combinations SCM100ZS-W 10.0kW $100.00  $50.00